- Do you seem to get as many (or more) views on new listings at ArtFire as you do on etsy?
- Is the front page on ArtFire just listed items, or specially selected ones?
- Does AF's search function seem to be any better than Etsy's?
- Does AF's buying process seem to be less confusing for new buyer's than Etsy's is?
- Do you find you need to keep both shops running with equal attention, or have you made one your primary shop and the other a secondary shop? (I don't think I'd have the time to be in both places equally, so it would definitely mean lessening my involvement at etsy if I move into AF)
- Generally how have you found the two sites to compare?
Hello there!
5 years ago
7 bits of commenty goodness:
first I want to say your blog is really hard to comment on you can barely see the comment link. I will answer to the best of my abilities.
1. roughly around the same for new listings.
2.They have just changed the FP design. They are recently listed items and they also have an item of the hour randomly picked.
3. I'm really unsure..
4. Again Im unsure I haven't been able to purchase anything yet (no funds in paypal)
5. I plan on keeping both shops open I hope that artfire will do better as there are less fees.
6. The reasons I signed up for artfire are they had stats (etsy didn't at the time) $7 dollars a month in fees is incredibly low. They're customer service is amazing, they are actually working on features to improve the site and roll them out in a timely manner when they say they will.
This is a personal choice everyone must make on their own I'm not going to leave my refferal code but if you would like to use me my shop is http://wyredonwire.artfire.com goodluck with whatever you chose and remember with both sites it really is up to you to bring in your customers.
Hey there!
Here is my opinion
1. YES for me it has given me more traffic and views than Etsy, they are smaller so I like that, but I'm sure that will change.
2. same as above...recently listed items
3.I've searched and I think its about the same as Etsy
4. The purchasing functions are harder and more confusing, but they promise to change that
5.I'm doing both shops still....but it is time consuming in fact I havent done anything in either shop until today for the last 3 weeks!
6. Agree totally with Alicia...I LOVE artfire and all they promise, customer service for sellers is amaizing!
My shop is http://wilmothfarms.artfire.com you can use me as a referral as well.
Which ever you decide, I'd keep both for a bit....but I'm thinking of switching totally to Artfire as they grow and sales increase. Right now I'm wanting sales from both sites, may keep etsy too, havent decided...LOVE your little twitter icon you made too cute!
I read your blog often but I have trouble with my internet so I usually cannot leave a comment....knock on wood I'll be able to send this one!
Wilmoth Farms Handmade Soaps
I agree with the 'dual store' philosophy - ETSY has been really good for my business so I want to keep that store running.
The only thing about ArtFire that really bugs me right now is the ability to see what shops have sold and read feedback. I really like that feature in ETSY so I'd like to see that part developed a little more.
We'll have to see how it goes with support - ETSY had wonderful seller support when they were small and just starting out, with success and growth everything changes so let's hope that ArtFire stays true to their mission.
Great questions as I have been wondering the same things myself. Right now I don't have the time or energy to switch. But I look forward to reading the comments from everyone!
I have just opened a shop on ArtFire (free one until I sell something and can pay to join up!)
I find it easier to see the number of views, and I have heard that they rotate an item of the moment.
Several people I know have suffered anquish about having an Etsy site and an ArtFire site - but I reason why not - you wouldn't sell your stuff in just one B&M store. Sure you select your venues with care but you don't rely on one shop - that's just not economic.
PS I can read the comment words etc., fine. I have a Mac if that's any help, I know PC's have different colours.
I too have opened up an AF store.
Yes it is hard to advertise both equally. I love AF for lots of reasons, ease of listing, stats, the community at this point seems more friendly.
I have sold three pieces in AF so far. It is slow but I believe is will get better.
With product like yours that you can make more than one I think it would be a good move for you.
I've been contemplating this as of late and I'm glad to read the comments here.......I'm still not sold on it.
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