These are more of the new designs from my recent creative spurt. I actually have Alette (above) with a few different facial expressions and colorful backgrounds, and her brother George (below) has the same kinds of options (open-eyed or close-eyed, 6 different background colors).

Like last week's piece, this one was done using digital painting techniques. I'm really happy with the textures this can produce. Look at this close-up from George for a better view of the texture.

I liked the close-up of George so much I made it into it's own card and postage stamp in my zazzle store (look under "More PurrPrints designs").
Full prints of Alette and George are up in that same folder on zazzle--but if you'd like something smaller, like the 8x10s or 5x7s or art cards I do in my etsy shop, let me know and I'll create a listing just for you.
3 bits of commenty goodness:
Oh!!! They are so cute! I think I like the last one the most! I Love the softness of the hears.
Oh those are pawsome! Love blue eyed white kitties! Cute, cute, cute!
Love your great new designs!!!! Great job!!
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